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What is PsychJOB all about?

An overview of the benefits to be enjoyed with our online job market.



The specialist among online job markets for psychology professionals for more than 15 years


PsychJOB is the specialist online job market for psychology professionals working in different disciplines. The online job market was founded in 2000 by Hogrefe Verlag , the leading European scientific publisher in psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry. The Hogrefe Verlag in the city of Göttingen is the parent company and head office of the Hogrefe publishing group. Hogrefe publishes in 18 different languages. The German language programme is being developed together with Hogrefe AG, Bern (formerly Verlag Hans Huber), which operates in the same key areas along with the additional topic areas of care, health and medicine.

With support from the German Psychological Society (DGPs), PsychJOB helps employers and employees working in psychology to find their ideal partner.

The focus on the professional discipline of psychology is what differentiates PsychJOB from other online job markets, and represents a major competitive advantage.

The success enjoyed by PsychJOB is also attributable to:

  • its broad coverage and high level of acceptance

  • its many years of experience

  • the user-friendly interface of the online job market

  • excellent value for money

  • one-to-one customer consultation



Hogrefe AG
Länggass-Strasse 76
3012 Bern

Tel. +41 300 45 00